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Certifications . Green Labeling System

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Sri Lanka, like other countries around the world, is facing an immense challenge to create sustainable buildings for the future.
Sri Lanka, like other countries around the world, is facing an immense challenge to create sustainable buildings for the future. Building construction materials play a major role in converting construction industry into sustainable greener one. Each and every country in the world more or less have its unique conditions with different resource availability. It emphasized the need of developing GREENSL® Labelling System, which adapt to Sri Lankan conditions while having a global recognition.

‘Green Labelling’ or ‘Eco-Labelling’ is a discipline which has been applied in a number of countries with the aim of minimizing the adverse effects imposed on environment during the life cycle of product manufacturing. They are affixed to products that pass eco-friendly criteria laid down by government, association or certification bodies.

Green Building Council of Sri Lanka (GBCSL) has launched a green product certification scheme namely, GREENSL® Labelling System in 2012. It is an ISO Type I Green Labelling System which involves voluntary, third party certification based on multiple environmental criteria across the life cycle of a product. It was initiated and set up by a group of professionals engaged in environmental conservation and entrepreneurship with the inputs, encouragements and technical assistance from the Global Eco-Labelling Network (GEN).

The main objective of the GREENSL® Labelling System is to promote the standards of local strategies of a greener sustainable manufacturing industry, while the conventional objective is to ensure that the products/ materials have a minimal detrimental impact to the environment while fully satisfying consumer needs compared to the products serving the same function.


To encourage suppliers to produce environmentally sound products/materials

To allow consumers to make comparisons among products/materials in similar category

To make more environmentally friendly decisions such as to promote sustainable manufacturing and consumption patterns in Sri Lanka

To smoothen the operational activities during the whole life-cycle adhering to occupational health and safety standards


The GREENSL® Labelling System encourages the product manufacturers to implement measures that would result in environmental, health and wellbeing benefits at the following stages of the life cycle of the products.

  1. Management
  2. Raw Materials and Chemicals
  3. Manufacturing Process
  4. Product Characteristics
  5. Solid Waste Management
  1. Life Cycle Approach
  2. GHG Management
  3. Product Stewardship
  4. Health and Safety
  5. Eco Innovation and Awards


A product will be certified depending upon the number of credit points achieved according to the certification scheme. The maximum achievable credit points are 1000. Products are awarded star ratings based on the number of credit points achieved from the Assessment.

5 Star

4 Star

3 Star

2 Star


GREENSL® Labelling System is well recognized locally through the endorsement of Central Environment Authority and globally through GBCSL membership of World Green Building Council (WGBC) which there are over 70 countries and more than 200 environment protecting organizations have obtained the membership. It provides valuable opportunity to environmentally responsible product manufactures to brand their products under GBCSL umbrella, which will give them following competitive advantages among traditional products.


Greater Awareness of Your Green Business, Products and Services

GREENSL® Labelling System certification helps to raise awareness of your Green Products. Certified Products will be listed in the directory of certified products and services of GBCSL. Promotional opportunities are offered through GBCSL website, GBCSL Newsletter, Trade Exhibitions, Green Product Directory and Green Talks.
This will enable green conscious products and services seekers to access relevant information readily. Your products and services will reach your targeted audience and markets more strategically.


GREENSL® Labelling System is widely recognized by World Green Building Council, which is a global action network comprised of around 70 Green Building Councils across the globe.

Industry recognized credibility

The GREENSL® Labelling System is a Type 1 Ecolabel which is life cycle-based and verified by a third party. This means that GLSSL certified products will not be susceptible to ‘greenwashing’ due to its robust criteria, which assures consumers and aids them in making more well-informed purchasing decisions.

Cost Savings

Increase efficiency of manufacturing practices by removing redundant processes, thus leading to cost savings in energy and water usage in the sustainably-manufactured product.

Gain a competitive advantage

Not like before, nowadays consumers have become more aware of the environmental issues and the impact their purchases would have on the environment. This creates higher demand for green products & services. Getting your products certified would allow you to better market your products in a society who is demanding that businesses adopt more sustainable practice.
Having GREENSL® certified products aids in improving your corporate image and differentiating yourself from your counterparts.

Reduce Environmental Impact

Choosing GREENSL® products will contribute to mitigating the impact of your business on the environment. GLSSL certification process follows the life cycle approach, not just taking into consideration the impact of the end-user but also the product’s manufacturing process, packaging and use of raw materials.


Provides the consumers with reliable environmental performance data of specific product categories and hence, guides them to make an environmentally conscious choice without being environmental experts.

Helps in creating a healthy living atmosphere by using Green Products.

Do you have any question about getting the green certification for your product?


GREENSL® Labelling System Certification Process

Step 1

Submission of the application form by the applicant

Please refer the application form. If you wish to apply multiple products, the part two of the application form needs to be filled separately for each product. Please submit available supporting documents along with the application form.

Step 2

Approving the quotation by the applicant and signing the Agreement

Base on the information submitted by the applicant, the GBCSL will send an Offer Letter to the applicant along with the quotation including all payment details. Upon the approval of the quotation by the applicant, arrangements will be made to sign the Agreement by parties, the GBCSL and the applicant.

Step 3

Making the Payment of Registration, Administration and Assessment Fees

The applicant needs to make payments (registration, administration and assessment fees) as agreed upon by both parties. The payment plan is usually stated in the Agreement.

Step 4

Factory Audit

Once the above activities are completed, GBCSL will make arrangements to commence the Factory Audit beginning with a site visit by the consultants allocated to the project. During the assessment process, the documents such as Business Registration, ISO Documentations, energy usage records, waste management records, transportation data, accident records, records relating to raw materials etc. will be inspected by auditors. Factory management will be interviewed for data collections and obtain various information needed for the assessment process. A walk thorough audit will be conducted and the product samples will be collected for testing. All tests need to be carried out at the SLAB accredited laboratories. The applicant shall bear the cost of sample testing.

Step 5

Final Assessment

The Auditors and the Consultants who carried out the product assessment will submit a Technical Report to GBCSL prepared based on their findings during factory audit and the results of the lab tests. They will make recommendations in their report on the level of green certification to be awarded to the products that have been assessed by them.

Step 6

Endorsement by GBCSL

The Technical Report submitted by auditors will be examined by the Accreditation Board of the GBCSL and their decision will be the final decision on awarding the green certification to the products that were under review.

If the Accreditation Board approved the awarding of Green Certification to the relevant product, the GBCSL Secretariat will make arrangements to award the certificate and the License to use the GBCSL Logo on the packaging of the product and in its marketing materials. The License is valid only for two years and the applicant has the right to apply for renewal of the License at the end of the two-year period.

Step 7

Awarding the Plaque and the Certificate Ceremonially at Annual Green Building Awards Ceremony

Once the approval of the Accreditation is granted for the Green Certification of the Product, the GBCSL Secretariat will make arrangements to issue the License to the applicant authorizing conditional use of the GBCSL Logo for product promotional and marketing activities. As a practice, the manufacturing or distribution company (the company which made the application) will be invited to receive the relevant Plaque and the Certificate ceremonially at the Green Building Award Ceremony conducted by the GBCSL periodically.